We are a campus ministry dedicated to following Jesus together, discipling one another, and making lifelong friends.
Real Devotional Life.
We've all heard people tell us to read the Bible and pray more. But have you ever stopped to ask why? Most of us would say yes: "I should do it more to grow my faith in God". We believe this statement is only half true; incomplete, partial at best. The truth is that you have a heavenly father who deeply loves you and wants you to know him. More than just a general belief or faith, He wants a real, day-to-day, hour-by-hour, relationship with you: His special child! Perhaps Robert Boyd Munger said it best: "[God The Father speaking] You have been thinking of the quiet time, of the Bible study... as a factor in your own spiritual progress, but you have forgotten that this hour means something to me also... Now, do not neglect this hour if only for my sake. Whatever else may be your desire, remember I want your fellowship" (Munger *1)
Real Community.
Being part of a life-giving campus ministry is essential to staying close to Jesus and loving the world. Everyone has a need for friendship and community, which is why it is a crucial aspect to our campus ministry. At Chi Alpha Normal, we believe that most friendships are forged, not found. We create avid opportunities for you to connect deeply and authentically with your core group and friends. As you will commonly hear, Chi Alpha is your forever family. The friendships you make during your college experience will last beyond graduation. Most importantly, we want to create a warm atmosphere where students feel welcomed and wanted.
Real Responsibility.
At Chi Alpha Normal, we don't just want you to come to "church", we want you to be the church. Real and deep growth can only come from active participation in discipleship and the gospel. We have specifically designed each semester to help encourage and challenge you to rediscover the gospel, live it out, and sharing this amazing news with your classmates. And to answer the big question: "How do I know if I know enough to share my faith?", the answer is simple. Just share what you know. The more someone asks about what you believe, the more you will get to dig into the Word and find out for yourself. Remember: Knowledge is Responsibility.
*1 Munger, Robert Boyd. My Heart - Christ's Home: A Story For Old & Young, InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL, 2004.